


  • Oilseed particles
  • Acrylic paint
  • Brushes
  • Containers for mixing
  • A tray or sheet of wax paper


  1. Prepare the oilseed particles:

    • Crush or grind the oilseed particles into a fine powder.
    • Sieve the powder to remove any large particles or impurities.
  2. Mix the paint:

    • Mix a few drops of acrylic paint with a small amount of water to create a smooth and consistent paint.
  3. Add the oilseed particles:

    • Add the prepared oilseed particles to the paint mixture.
    • Stir well to ensure a uniform distribution.
  4. Let the mixture dry:

    • Allow the paint mixture to dry completely at room temperature.
    • This process can take several hours, depending on the thickness of the paint.
  5. Create the craft:

    • Once the paint is dry, you can start creating your craft.
    • Use the paint and oilseed particles to paint designs, patterns, or images on various surfaces, such as canvas, wood, or fabric.
  6. Let the craft dry:

    • Allow the craft to dry completely at room temperature.
    • This can take several hours, depending on the thickness of the paint.
  7. Display your craft:

    • Once the craft is dry, display it in a safe and secure location.


  • Use a variety of colors and textures of oilseed particles to create intricate patterns and designs.
  • Experiment with different painting techniques, such as drip painting or stenciling.
  • Allow your creativity to flow and have fun!