


  • Clear oil-based paint
  • Fine-grained silica powder
  • A container for mixing
  • A paintbrush
  • A palette


  1. Prepare the oil paint: Mix a small amount of oil paint with a small amount of water to create a thin, transparent paint.
  2. Add the silica powder: Add a small amount of fine-grained silica powder to the paint mixture. The silica powder will create a cloudy, reflective effect.
  3. Mix thoroughly: Stir the paint thoroughly to combine the oil paint and the silica powder.
  4. Add more oil paint: Gradually add more oil paint to the mixture until you achieve the desired consistency and opacity.
  5. Create patterns: Use a paintbrush to create patterns and designs on the surface of the painting. You can also use a stencil or other tool to create more complex patterns.
  6. Let dry: Allow the painting to dry completely.
  7. Seal with a varnish: Apply a clear varnish to protect the painting and give it a glossy finish.


  • Use a variety of colors and patterns to create a more interesting and dynamic painting.
  • Experiment with different amounts of oil paint and silica powder to achieve different effects.
  • Use a variety of tools to create different patterns and designs.
  • Allow your painting to dry completely before adding a varnish.