


你好!很高兴为你解答这个问题。 Redness or flushing of the face can be caused by several factors including Rosacea also known as Acne rosacea. Its important to note that Rosacea is not just a skin condition it also affects the eyes nose cheeks chin and ears. The exact cause of Rosacea is unknown but there are many theories about what might trigger an inflammation response on the skin. Some common triggers include stress hot drinks spicy foods sun exposure certain medications hormonal changes and genetics. The relationship between acne and Rosacea varies from person to person. For some people acne may worsen their Rosacea symptoms while for others acne may have no impact at all. If you experience both conditions together its recommended to consult with your dermatologist who will help you identify which treatments are right for you.

Redness of the cheeks and nose facial erythema is associated with Rosacea but not necessarily caused by it.

Redness of the face can be caused by Rosacea also known as facial redness which can also cause acne-like breakouts on the skin.


Redness of the cheeks and nose facial erythema is associated with Rosacea but not necessarily caused by it.

Redness of the face can be caused by Rosacea also known as facial redness which can also cause acne-like breakouts on the skin.


