facial features 的哪些方面会影响脸上斑的形成?

facial features 的哪些方面会影响脸上斑的形成?


facial features such as:

  • Shape: Oval, round, or heart-shaped faces are more likely to develop facial acne due to the increased surface area and potential for trapped dirt and bacteria.

  • Position: Acne tends to appear on the cheeks, nose, and forehead, as these areas are often more exposed to environmental factors and have a higher concentration of sebaceous glands.

  • Freckles: Freckles can increase the risk of developing acne due to their increased blood flow and potential for inflammation.

  • Hairline: People with a prominent hairline are more likely to experience acne due to the increased distance between the nose and the mouth, which can create a breeding ground for bacteria.

  • Genetics: Some individuals may have a genetic predisposition to acne, regardless of their facial features.
